Beeswax Wraps – Arriving This Week

by | Oct 22, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Beeswax wraps arriving in stock

We are delighted to announce that we have our first beeswax wraps arriving in stock this week from our new partner Good to Bee! The beeswax wraps make a great plastic free alternative to wrap sandwiches and other foods helping to prevent plastic and food waste. We will be stocking a range of attractive designs in various sizes at our events and the products will soon be added to purchase on our web shop alongside many of our other items.

Advantages of beeswax wraps

Using beeswax wraps for our food can help to dramatically reduce our consumption of single use plastic helping to preserve the environment. This simple switch away from products such as clingfilm can work as part of a busy lifestyle as very little time is needed to implement the change – in fact the wraps are much less cumbersome than cling film and look far more attractive! What’s more beeswax wraps create a natural environment similar to the skin of fruit or vegetables allowing gases to evaporate but helping to retain moisture meaning your food can stay fresh for longer.

Why do we source from Good to Bee?

After seeking a supplier of beeswax wraps to add to our range, we came across Good to Bee. After making some initial enquiries, we loved the ethos of their company and their products. The wraps come in a range of different sizes which can be used for sandwiches and small snacks to loaves of fresh bread. They have beautiful designs which are suitable for a range of tastes and kitchens. But best of all the products are great quality and made from organic cotton – this in itself is an important point as the cotton growing process itself can be highly unsustainable for the environment if it isn’t grown organically. Meanwhile the wraps are infused with beeswax and plant wax that is ethically sourced. As a company Good to Bee is a living wage employer and in July 2020 became a climate positive workforce by offsetting the carbon footprint of their team via a tree planting scheme with Ecologi.

There are just days to go until our fantastic new range of beeswax wrap will be available to buy alongside our growing range of kitchenware and gifts, so why not give it a try and make the swap!