Are These Gift Ideas Resigned to the Past? What do you Think?

by | Jan 7, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Gift-giving is a wonderful way to show your loved ones how much you care about them, but it can be difficult to come up with great, meaningful gift ideas! Some gifts that were once popular may have fallen out of favour as trends wain, while others may not be as useful or practical as they once were. Check out these five gift ideas that are in decline to see if they remain relevant for your friends and family!

Physical Books – With the rise of e-readers and tablets, physical books have become less popular as gifts. While there are still many avid readers who appreciate the feel and smell of a physical book, many people now prefer the convenience and portability of digital copies. Meanwhile the necessity to source information from books has declined given the instant availability of reliable online sources from a computer or smart phone!


CDs and DVDs – In the age of streaming services, CDs and DVDs have become a much less common gift idea. Nevertheless, some people still enjoy collecting physical copies of their favourite movies and music with a recent growth trend in more traditional vinyl records making a somewhat untimely return.

Wallets and Purses – Due to the invention of smart phones and watches which can enable payment transactions or access to promotions at point of sale, combined with a habitual reduction in the use of cash following the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s likely we will see a decline in the need for wallets and purses. Once a safe gift idea, a wallet or purse is often surplus to requirements with no cards and cash to carry.

Desktop Computers – The rise of laptops and tablets has made desktop computers less popular as a gift idea for budding students or the whole family. While there are still some people who prefer the power and versatility of a desktop computer, the vast majority now prefer the portability and convenience of a smaller device.

Paper Calendars and Diaries – With the proliferation of digital calendars and scheduling apps, paper calendars have become a much less popular gift idea. While there are still some people who prefer to use a tangible paper diary or the visual appeal of a decorative wall calendar, many now rely on calendar software and a smart phone to manage their schedule.

Whilst many people will still gladly appreciate and benefit from the gifts above, it’s important to consider carefully the preferences and needs of the person you’re giving the gift to, and choose something that will be truly meaningful or useful to them. At Sublime Housewares we are continually growing our range looking for unusual gift ideas. Why not browse our website to see what you can find or give something new? We have a plethora of gift ideas from novelty mugs, upcycled rugs and wine racks to sustainable beeswax wraps.