How to Keep Your Flowers Looking Fresh for Longer

by | Mar 18, 2024 | News | 0 comments

One of the most popular Mother’s Day gifts is a simple bunch of freshly cut flowers, a more elaborate bouquet or even Mum’s favourite potted plant. Whether you are giving or receiving a beautiful floral gift, it’s important to know how to care for your flowers properly to make them last as long as possible. Following last week’s blog about inspiring flowers to choose on Mother’s Day, we share some top tips for caring for Mother’s Day flowers to ensure they stay beautiful and fresh for as long as possible.

Top Tips for Looking After Your Flowers

Cut the stems at an angle

When you first receive your flowers, it’s important to cut the stems at an angle. This allows for better water absorption, which helps the flowers stay hydrated and fresh. Use a sharp pair of scissors or a knife to make a clean cut at a 45-degree angle.

Remove any leaves below the water line

Leaves that are submerged in water can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria, which can cause your flowers to wilt faster. To prevent this, remove any leaves that will be below the water line in your vase or container.

Use flower food

Flower food is a mixture of nutrients that can help extend the life of your flowers. You can usually find flower food packets included with your bouquet or potted plant. Simply following the instructions on the packet – usually this involves mixing the plant food with water and adding it straight into your vase or container.

Change the water every few days

To prevent bacteria growth, it’s important to change the water in your vase or container every few days. Be sure to also clean the vase or container thoroughly before refilling it with fresh water. Not only will this help to ensure your flowers stay fresh, it will prevent any unpleasant odours developing due to stale water.

Keep the flowers away from direct sunlight and heat

Direct sunlight and heat can cause your flowers to wilt faster. To keep them fresh for longer, place them in a cool, shaded area away from windows and heating vents.

Give your flowers some breathing room

Avoid crowding your flowers in a small vase or container. Giving them some breathing room will allow air to circulate around them, which can help prevent mould and bacteria growth.

Trim the stems every few days

As your flowers age, their stems may start to get clogged with bacteria and debris. To keep them fresh, trim the stems every few days and replace the water in the vase or container.

By following these top tips for caring for your Mother’s Day flowers, you can help ensure they stay fresh and beautiful for as long as possible. Meanwhile, if caring for real flowers really isn’t your thing, why not try something a little different with our superb range of soap flower bouquets!